Meet Hanna Gerlach: the Author, Illustrator, Artist,Photographer, and creator for Education Earth.
Hey there. Thank you for your interest in my page, whether it comes from a love for my books, art, the movement I support, or the journey of our Mission Statement, thank you! If you’re new here and just learning about me and how I created Education Earth TM, then hi! My name is Hanna and here is my story. When I was 17, I attended my first year of college studying political science and international relations, intending to join the Peace Corps and work for the United Nations post graduation. I quickly discovered the road of academics was actually a further step into a world I was intending to advocate against. I also had the realization that as a US citizen, there was a lot to help with here which would be incredibly impactful. I did not want to waste the next 7 years of my life having no real impact in college, nor recognizably representing change. Since I live by the quote “be the change you want to see in the world,” I decided to take a leave of absence with the intention to experience an experience-based-education entirely centered around living sustainably in the US. This journey evolved to last 7 years total. I rejected mainstream media and sought destinations unreachable by phone. I lived off grid in state parks, maintained my own homesteads, participated in WWOOFing programs, experienced both van-life and bus-life, hiked long distance thru-hikes, and became a decent rock climber. I wrote in and filled 8 journals to record where I was and what I was experiencing/realizing. My books are direct journal entries from this journey and my illustrations feature real locations I lived in, hiked through, or camped at during the adventure as well. I hope to re-environmentalize people to planet in this modern world, and advocate for a society that lives with Nature, rather than takes it. No stigmas either, just genuine connection of people and planet.
We are all here, independently interconnected. It’s that easy.